Inspite of the whole family being home, after many days me n my daughter spent an hour and a half together setting up, painting, cleaning n chatting…thanks swasthya niketan...
Water color scribble done by a renowned and experienced art therapist. Began with dropping the 3 colors of paint, then closed my eyes, made a scribble and then created...
Felt wonderful and something new . That these 3 basic colours gives life . And can enhance better with these colours. And makes us colourful.
A great effort by you, thanks a lot for the time spent , some how things came together without any disturbance this time, some of the other person would...
3 basic colours given whole world of colours within. Feeling good & natural.
Felt very happy, always we use to tell kids to draw or paint something, but we never use to try, we as a whole family spent time together with...