Being healthy is not only freedom from illness, but also a state of physical and emotional well-being (soul & spiritual).
Inspired by Integrated Complementary Health Care System (Anthroposophic medicine) is based on a comprehensive view of the human being in health and disease.
Pioneered by spiritual scientific researcher Rudolf Steiner (1825-1925), who worked in close co-operation with a Dutch physician, Dr.Ita Wegman (1876-1943) and brought forth a holistic view of the human being in health and disease.
In Rudolf Steiner’s words,“Medicine is more than just a natural science and needs the spiritual humanistic supplement”. Scientific, artistic and spiritual insights need to be applied as treatment modalities along with medicines in restoring health.
SwaasthyakalaNiketan is an Art Therapy and training centre.
Profound healing forces lie hidden in Art.”. Dr R. Steiner.(1861 -1925).
Today the field of Psychoneuroimmunology has validated the connection between human mind and the body processes.
In general,it can be said that the widespread paralysis of the innate creative forces brought about by overuse of electronic gadgets and social media as well as other dangerous factors in our culture, create the necessity for artistic therapies to be developed in medical thinking as a counterbalance.
SwaasthyakalaNiketan offers Art Therapy. To know more about Art Therapy.
Thank you very much for sharing the below invite. I didn’t have yellow, so played with red, green and blue. Honestly I had fun with the brushes and didn’t expect that I would like it. Didn’t know how minutes turned to hours.
My ideas on the picture is ..we humans although rooted we spread out into branches to establish connection by exploration.
It was great…and I have been doing wet on wet painting now for quite some time…still a beginner though…always a great experience.
Yoga is close to my heart and I find peace and calmness in this posture and also while painting it. My stressful muscles feel relaxed when I practice Surya Namaskar and I find calmness and freedom right upto my soul painting this.
Inspite of the whole family being home, after many days me n my daughter spent an hour and a half together setting up, painting, cleaning n chatting…thanks swasthya niketan for the opportunity.
It’s om hindusam, cross for christianity and green for Islam.
An artist, art teacher, art therapy practitiiner, running her centre in bglr.