AboutFounder Details
In a way Art Therapy accompanies, all the disease treatment either physical or emotional.
Dr. Wahida Murthy
- Family physician and Integrated Medicine Consultant (Anthroposophic medicine- Switzerland.)
- Specialised in artistic Therapies and Biography Counselling. India Coordinator for Art therapy training.
- Founder: Swaasthyakala Niketan
- Institute of further training in Anthroposophic Art therapy
- Certified by : European Academy
- Medical section Goetheanum.switzerlandAnthroposophic Medical society India Chapter.
We also conduct training workshops as follow:
- Importance of Art in Education.
- Importance of Art in Nutrition.
- Importance of Art to enhance imaginative and creative skills in the business school.
- Importance of Art therapy for Art students.
- Importance of Art in teachers training.
- Importance of Art in training for psychology and psychiatry illnesses.
- Importance of Art therapy in oncology.
- Importance of Art therapy in Geriatrics.and in palliative care management.
- Importance of Art therapy for adolescents.
- Importance of Art therapy in stress management, and physical and emotional well being.